1. Xuquan Wang; Feng Zhang; Kai Zhang*; et al. Learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion, Pattern Recognition, 2024, 151: 110365.
2. Xuquan Wang#; Siyu Dong#*; Songlei Huang; et al. Near-Infrared InGaAs Intelligent Spectral Sensor by 3D Heterogeneous Hybrid Integration, Advanced Photonics Research, 2023, 4(8): 202300043.
3. Xuquan Wang#*; Zhiyuan Ma#; Yujie Xing; et al. Rapid species discrimination of similar insects using hyperspectral imaging and lightweight edge artificial intelligence, Royal Society Open Science, 2024, 11(7): 240485.
4. Yingjie Kong#; Xuquan Wang#; Kai Zhang*; et al. Multiscale Integration Network With Quaternion Convolution for Pansharpening, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2025, 22: 5000105.
5. Yujie Xing; Jun Yu; Xuquan Wang; et al. Comprehensive performance domain tolerance analysis methodology for freeform imaging spectrometers, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2024, 32(8): 519818.
6. Junzhe Huang; Dongdong Li; Xuquan Wang; et al. Heat dissipation and temperature control method for quantum cascade lasers in external cavity spectral beam combining systems, APPLIED OPTICS, 2024, 63(20): 5457-5464.
7. 郭家骐,范本轩,刘鑫,刘雨慧,王绪泉,等. 计算光谱成像:光场编码与算法解码(特邀). 激光与光电子学进展, 2024, 61(16): 49-69.
8. Xuquan Wang; Hongyi Wang; et al. Study of Residual-time-counting Pulse Frequency Modulation Digital Readout Circuit for InGaAs Focal Plane Array, Acta Photonica Sinica, 2022.
9. 王绪泉; 王丽丽*; 方家熊*. 近红外光谱传感物联网研究与应用进展(特邀), 中国激光, 2021.
10. Xuquan Wang; Songlei Huang*; Pengyu Ke; et al. Improvement of LVF-based NIR Spectral Sensor on Both Spatial and Time Domains, Acta Photonica Sinica, 2021.
11. Xuquan Wang; Songlei Huang*; Yuehua Yu; et al. I Integrated Linear Variable Filter/InGaAs Focal Plane Array Spectral Micro-module and Its Wavelength Calibration, Acta Photonica Sinica, 2018.
12. 王绪泉;黄松垒;于月华;等. 微型长波近红外物联网节点及实验研究. 红外与毫米波学报. 2018.
(#Contributed equally, *Corresponding author)
王绪泉. 基于微纳光学结构的多维探测与系统集成,第五届红外技术及其应用大会,特邀报告,2024.