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Team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng proposed a comprehensive performance domain tolerance methodology and successfully developed a prototype for freeform image spectrometers

Recently, team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng from IPOE proposed a comprehensive performance domain tolerance methodology and successfully developed a prototype for freeform image spectrometers. The results were published in Optics Express with the title “Comprehensive performance domain tolerance analysis methodology for freeform imaging spectrometers”. Imaging spectro...

Team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng and their collaborators implemented a learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion

Recently, team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng from IPOE proposed a spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding model (SDAGE) to exploit the spatial nonlocal similarity (SNS) and spectral band correlation (SBC) in high spatial resolution multispectral (HR MS) and low spatial resolution hyperspectral (LR HS) images for the regularization of their fusion with their collab...

Gate-Tuning Hybrid Polaritons in Twisted α-MoO3/Graphene Heterostructures

Photon localization and manipulation at the nanoscale is a current research focus in the fields of nanophotonics and integrated photonics. Polaritons, as elementary excitations formed by coupling photons with particles or quasiparticles, exhibit excellent optical field confinement capabilities and offer great potential for realizing nanoscale photonic manipulation. Compared with conventional bu...

Diatomic metasurface for efficient six-channel modulation of Jones matrix

Phase, amplitude, and polarization are the three fundamental degrees of freedom of the monochromatic optical field. Modulation of the optical device on the monochromatic optical field can be represented by a 2×2 Jones matrix. Each component of the Jones matrix represents the transmission coefficient of a specific combination of polarization states, consisting of an amplitude channel and a phase...

Team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng implemented a multi-channel high spectral resolution integrated on-chip filter in the extended visible bandwidth with Grayscale-patterned EBL

Recently, team of Professor Zhanshan Wang and Professor Xinbin Cheng from IPOE implemented a multi-channel high spectral resolution integrated on-chip filter in the extended visible bandwidth with Grayscale-patterned EBL. The results were published in Optics Express with the title "Grayscale-patterned integrated multilayer-metal-dielectric microcavities for on-chip multi/hyperspectral imaging i...

High-efficiency high-resolution Jones Matrix six-channel independent modulation

 Phase, amplitude, and polarization are the three fundamental degrees of freedom of the monochromatic optical field. Modulation of the optical device on the monochromatic optical field can be represented by a 2×2 Jones matrix. Each component of the Jones matrix represents the transmission coefficient of a specific combination of polarization states, consisting of an amplitude channel and a phas...

Professor Yuzhi Shi, in collaboration with researchers from Tsinghua University, have made progress in topological optical forces at bound states in the continuum. Relevant results are published in Science Advances

On December 10, Beijing time, professor Yuzhi Shi from professor Zhanshan Wang and Xinbin Cheng's team at the School of Physical Science and Engineering, Tongji University, in collaboration with professor Qinghua Song from Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School and professor Patrice Genevet from the French National Center for Scientific Research, published a paper titled "Exploiting Ex...

Professor Yuzhi Shi has made progress in the study of lateral forces caused by optical spin angular momentum. The results are published in Science Advances

On December 1, Beijing time, Yuzhi Shi, professor of the School of Physical Science and Engineering, Tongji University, and his collaborators published a paper entitled "Stable optical lateral forces from inhomogeneities of the spin angular momentum" online on the journal Science Advances. This paper is the first to study stable optical lateral forces dominated by spin angular momentum in a sin...



物理科学与工程学院2023年接收推荐免试研究生(含直接攻博) 章程暨选拔复试办法

一、 申请条件基本条件要求同《同济大学2023年接收推荐免试研究生(含直接攻博)章程》。二、 申请材料1. 《同济大学接收推免免试研究生申请表》;(下载链接:https://yz.tongji.edu.cn/fujian3-tongjidaxuejieshoutuijianmianshiyanjiushengshenqingbiao.pdf)2. 本科阶段成绩单1份,须加盖学校教务处公章;3. 外语能力水平证明(如:国家英语四级或六级证书、雅思、托福、GMAT、GRE等);4. 本科阶段获奖证书、体现自身学术...



同济大学物理科学与工程学院 2022 全国优秀大学生暑期学校活动通知





  • 【Academic Report】Yuen-Ron Shen: Milestone in modern optics

    Over sixty years ago, the birth of lasers completely transformed our modern lives. Today, laser technology has become an indispensable part of various scientific and technological fields. Nearly twenty Nobel Prizes have been awarded to scientists who have made groundbreaking achievements at the forefront of optical science. In this presentation, we will outline key milestones in the development of modern optics using simple physics concepts, and explore how they have driven the exploration of new fields and had far-reaching impacts on other disciplines.

  • 【Academic Report】Kaihui Liu: Two-dimensional material optical crystals

    Optical crystals (such as BBO, KBBF, LiNbO3, etc.) have key functions such as laser frequency conversion, parametric amplification, signal modulation, etc., and are the core of laser technology and equipment. At present, the physical theory and material system based on traditional volume-phase optical crystals have been perfected.

  • 【Academic Report】Shiwei Wu: Scientific research: interest + ability + opportunity

    In this talk, Professor Wu Shiwei will share his scientific research experience, analyze the three key factors of scientific research success, and analyze how to cultivate interest in physics research, improve skills, seize opportunities, and obtain high-quality scientific research results.

Institute Tour in VR and 360°

Virtual Tour Research Institute

Virtual 3D brings new experiences such as sight, sound and touch, and virtual walkthrough is a new experience mode derived from it