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Jingyuan Zhu, Siliang Zhou, Yi Ning, Xiong Dun, Siyu Dong, Zhanshan Wang, and Xinbin Cheng, Opt. Express 31, 14027-14036 (2023)
- 2、Diatomic Metasurface for Efficient Six-Channel Modulation of Jones Matrix
Chao Feng, Tao He, Yuzhi Shi, Qinghua Song, Jingyuan Zhu, Jian Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Din Ping Tsai, Xinbin Cheng,Laser & Photonics Reviews,2023, 2200955
- 3、Large Numerical Aperture Metalens with High Modulation Transfer Function
Jian Zhang, Xiong Dun*, Jingyuan Zhu, Zhanyi Zhang, Chao Feng, Zhanshan Wang, Wolfgang Heidrich, and Xinbin Cheng*,ACS Photonics,2023
- 4、Ultrafast time-resolved pump-probe investigation of nanosecond extreme ultraviolet light induced damage dynamics on B4C/Ru nano-bilayer film
Liuyang Pan, Shuhui Li, Jinyu Cao, Jiali Wu, Zhe Zhang, Kun Wang, Qiushi Huang, Bin Ma, Wenbin Li*, and Zhanshan Wang*, Nano Letters, 2022
- 5、Interface and defects engineering for multilayer laser coatings
Siyu Dong; Hongfei Jiao; Zhanshan Wang; Jinlong Zhang; Xinbin Cheng. Progress in Surface Science, 2022, 100663.
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- 7、HfO2/SiO2 nanolaminate-based composites prepared by ion beam sputtering for low-loss optics
Xinshang Niu, Hongfei Jiao, Bin Ma, Jinlong Zhang, Xinbin Cheng, Zhangshan Wang, Opt. Eng. 2021, 61(3)
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- 9、High-resolution X-ray flash radiography of Ti characteristic lines with multilayer Kirkpatrick–Baez microscope at the Shenguang-II Update laser facility
Shengzhen Yi, Feng Zhang, Qiushi Huang, Lai Wei, Yuqiu Gu, and Zhanshan Wang, High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 9, e42 (2021
- 10、A new type of nanoscale reference grating manufactured by combined laser-focused atomic deposition and x-ray interference lithography and its use for calibrating a scanning electron microscope
Xiao Deng, Gaoliang Dai, Jie Liu, et al, Ultramicroscopy, 2021,226