Research Team


Yuzhi ShiMore

  • Title:Professor
  • Office:Room 505A in Physics Building
  • Information of Tutors:Doctoral Supervisor

Yuzhi Shi, a doctoral supervisor at the School of Physics Science and Engineering, has been selected for the National High-level Youth Talents Program,the National General Program, and the Shanghai Leading Talents (Overseas) Youth Program. His research mainly focuses on the fundamental theory and biological applications of optofluidic chips. He leads the National Key R&D Program of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Youth Project and General Program, the Shanghai General Program and Pilot Program for Basic Research, and other projects. As the first/corresponding author, he has published over seventy papers in renowned journals, including Science Advances (×5), Physical Review Letters (×4), Light: Science & Applications (×7), Nature Communications (×5), and Advances in Optics and Photonics (×2).

  • 个人经历
  • 研究方向
  • 开授课程
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉及奖励

Work Experience

Specially Appointed Researcher (B-level) under the Young Hundred Talents Program, School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University (Jun. 2022 Present)

Tenure-track Associate Professor, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Jul. 2021 – Mar. 2022)

Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (May 2018 – Jun. 2021)

Project Officer, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Apr. 2014 – Apr. 2018)

Educational Experience

Ph.D. in Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (Sep. 2012 – Mar. 2018)

Exchange Student, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Jan. 2013 – Jan. 2014)

Bachelor of Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (Sep. 2008 – Jun. 2012)

The technology of optofluidic chips represents a frontier area in micro-nano optics. It focuses on investigating the interaction mechanisms between light and matter, designing optofluidic chips, and applying them in biomedicine. Optical tweezers technology serves as one of the fundamental research directions in this field. By utilizing the momentum transfer between light and particles, optical tweezers can manipulate particles with high precision and without physical contact, distinguishing it from other technologies. The design of optofluidic chips forms the cornerstone for on-chip biomedical applications, promising the manipulation of biological particles such as bacteria, viruses, and proteins. Moreover, this field contributes to the exploration of light-matter interactions and enables vital biomedical applications at the microscopic scale, including the sorting of biological particles and the detection of single-cell bacteria and viruses.


Leading National Key R&D Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Youth Project and General Program, Shanghai General Program and Pilot Program for Basic Research, and other projects.


  1. Yuzhi Shi, Sha Xiong*, Lip Ket Chin, Jingbo Zhang, Wee Ser, Jiuhui Wu, Tianning Chen, Zhenchuan Yang, Yilong Hao, Bo Liedberg, Peng Huat Yap, Din Ping Tsai, Cheng-Wei Qiu* and Ai Qun Liu*, "Nanometer-precision Linear Sorting with Synchronized Optofluidic Dual Barriers,"Science Advances4, eaao0773, 2018. (ESI highly cited paper)

  2. Yuzhi Shi, Sha Xiong*, Yi Zhang, Lip Ket Chin, Yan-Yu Chen, Jingbo Zhang, Tianhang Zhang, Wee Ser, Andreas Larsson, Siau Hoi Lim, Jiuhui Wu, Tianning Chen, Zhenchuan Yang, Yilong Hao, Bo Liedberg, Peng Huat Yap, Kuan Wang, Din Ping Tsai, Cheng-Wei Qiu* and Ai Qun Liu*, "Sculpting nanoparticle dynamics for single-bacteria-level screening and direct binding-efficiency measurement,"Nature Communications9, 815, 2018.(ESI highly cited paper)

  3. Yuzhi Shi#, Tongtong Zhu#, Tianhang Zhang, Alfredo Mazzulla, Din Ping Tsai, Weiqiang Ding, Ai Qun Liu, Gabriella Cipparrone, Juan JoséSáenz and Cheng-Wei Qiu*,“Chirality-assisted lateral momentum transfer for bidirectional enantioselective separation”,Light: Science & Applications, 9, 62, 2020.(ESI highly cited paper)

  4. Yuzhi Shi*, Tongtong Zhu, Ai Qun Liu*, Lei-Ming Zhou, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Amir Haminger, Jingquan Liu, Din Ping Tsai, Zhenyu Li, Weiqiang Ding, Fan Wang, Hang Li, Qinghua Song, Xiaohao Xu, Baojun Li, Xinbin Cheng, Pin Chieh Wu, Che Ting Chan and Cheng-Wei Qiu*,“Inverse optical torques on dielectric nanoparticles in elliptically polarized light waves”,Physical Review Letters, 2022. In production.

  5. Yuzhi Shi, Haitao Zhao, Kim Truc Nguyen, Yi Zhang*, Lip Ket Chin, Tongtong Zhu, Yefeng Yu, Hong Cai, Peng Huat Yap, Patricia Yang Liu, Sha Xiong, Jingbo Zhang, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Che Ting Chan and Ai Qun Liu*,“Nanophotonic Array-Induced Dynamic Behavior for Label-Free Shape-Selective Bacteria Sieving”,ACS Nano, 13, 10, 12070-12080, 2019.

  6. Yuzhi Shi, Yongfeng Wu, Lip Ket Chin*, Zhenyu Li, Jingquan Liu, Mu Ku Chen, Shubo Wang, Yi Zhang, Patricia Yang Liu, Xiaohong Zhou, Hong Cai, Wanzhen Jin, Yefeng Yu, Ruozhen Yu, Wei Huang, Peng Huat Yap, Limin Xiao, Wee Ser, Thi Thanh Binh Nguyen, Yu-Tsung Lin, Pin Chieh Wu, Jiayan Liao, Fan Wang, Che Ting Chan*, Yuri Kivshar*, Din Ping Tsai* and Ai Qun Liu*,“Multifunctional Virus Manipulation with Large-Scale Arrays of All-Dielectric Resonant Nanocavities”,Laser & Photonics Review, 2100197, 2022.

  7. Yuzhi Shi, Haitao Zhao, Lip Ket Chin, Yi Zhang, Peng Huat Yap, Wee Ser, Cheng-Wei Qiu* and Ai Qun Liu*,“Optical Potential-Well Array for High-Selectivity, Massive Trapping and Sorting at Nanoscale”,Nano Letters, 20, 5193-5200, 2020.

  8. Yuzhi Shi*, Lei-Ming Zhou, Ai Qun Liu*, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Tongtong Zhu, Amir Hassanfiroozi, Jingquan Liu, Hui Zhang, Din Ping Tsai, Hang Li, Weiqiang Ding, Weiming Zhu, Ye Feng Yu, Alfredo Mazzulla, Gabriella Cipparrone, Pin Chieh Wu, C. T. Chan, and Cheng-Wei Qiu*,“Superhybrid Mode-Enhanced Optical Torques on Mie-Resonant Particles”,Nano Letters, 22, 1769-1777, 2022.

  9. Tongtong Zhu,Yuzhi Shi*, Weiqiang Ding, Din Ping Tsai, Tun Cao, Ai Qun Liu, Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Juan JoséSáenz, Pin Chieh Wu and Cheng-Wei Qiu*,“Extraordinary Multipole Modes and Ultra-Enhanced Optical Lateral Force by Chirality”,Physical Review Letters, 125, 043901, 2020.

  10. Yuzhi Shi, Tongtong Zhu, Kim Truc Nguyen, Yi Zhang, Sha Xiong, Peng Huat Yap, Wee Ser, Shubo Wang, Cheng-Wei Qiu, C. T. Chan* and Ai Qun Liu*,“Optofluidic Micro-Engine in A Dynamic Flow Environment via Self-Induced Back-Action”,ACS Photonics, 7, 1500–1507, 2020.

  11. Yuzhi Shi*, Kim Truc Nguyen, Lip Ket Chin, Zhenyu Li, Limin Xiao, Hong Cai, Ruozhen Yu*, Wei Huang, Shilun Feng, Peng Huat Yap, Jingquan Liu*, Yi Zhang*, and Ai Qun Liu*,“Trapping and detection of single viruses in an optofluidic chip”,ACS Sensors, 6, 3445-3450, 2021.

  12. Yuzhi Shi, Sha Xiong*, Lip Ket Chin, Yi Yang, Jingbo Zhang, Wee Ser, Jiuhui Wu, Tianning Chen, Zhenchuan Yang, Yilong Hao, Bo Liedberg, Peng Huat Yap, Yi Zhang* and Ai Qun Liu*, "High-resolution and multi-range particle separation by microscopic vibration in an optofluidic chip,"Lab on a Chip, 17, 2443-2450, 2017.

  13. Yuzhi Shi*, Zhenyu Li, Patricia Yang Liu, Binh Thi Thanh Nguyen, Wenshuai Wu, Qianbin Zhao, Lip Ket Chin*, Minggui Wei, Peng Huat Yap*, Xiaohong Zhou, Hongwei Zhao, Dan Yu, Din Ping Tsai and Ai Qun Liu*,“On-Chip Optical Detection of Viruses: A Review,”Advanced Photonics Research, 2021, 2000150, 2021.

  14. Lip Ket Chin#*,Yuzhi Shi#and Ai Qun Liu*, "Optical Forces in Silicon Nanophotonics and Optomechanical Systems: Science and Applications,"Advanced Devices & Instrumentation, 1964015, 2020.

  15. S. Luo,Y. Z. Shi*, L. K. Chin, P. E. Hutchinson, Y. Zhang, G. Chierchia, H. Talbot, X. D. Jiang, T. Bourouina*, and A. Q. Liu*,“Machine-Learning-Assisted Intelligent Imaging Flow Cytometry–A Review,”Advanced Intelligent Systems3, 2100073, 2021.

  16. Jin Qin, Shibin Jiang, Zhanshan Wang, Xinbin Chen, Baojun Li,Yuzhi Shi*, Din Ping Tsai*, Ai Qun Liu*, Wei Huang* and Weiming Zhu*,“Metasurface Micro/Nano Optical Sensors: Principles and Applications”,ACS Nano, 2022, minor revision.

  17. Yuzhi Shi, Qinghua Song*, Ivan Toftul, Tongtong Zhu, Yefeng Yu*, Weiming Zhu*, Din Ping Tsai, Yuri Kivshar* and Ai Qun Liu*,“Optical manipulation with metamaterial structures”,Applied Physics Reviews, 2022, minor revision.

2022 Shanghai Leading Talents (Overseas) Youth Program

2021 Sensors2021 Travel Award in Biosensors

2017 the Best Paper Award in the 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017