


  • 职称:教授
  • 联系方式:idgnauh@tongji.edu.cn
  • 办公室:机械北馆(光学馆)304
  • 导师情况:博士生导师

入选国家海外高层次人才计划青年项目、上海市领军人才(海外)项目,主要从事低维材料及其微纳结构的非线性光学及光电器件相关的物理机制研究。在Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、PRL、Nano Letters等期刊上发表文章十余篇。相关工作入选2018年中国光学十大进展(基础研究类)。

  • 个人经历
  • 研究方向
  • 开授课程
  • 科研项目
  • 学术成果
  • 荣誉及奖励




2019年04月- 2022年05月,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,博士后

2017年07月- 2019年03月,复旦大学物理系,科研助理


2011年09月- 2017年06月,复旦大学物理系,凝聚态物理博士

2007年09月- 2011年06月,郑州大学物理工程学院,物理学学士





1.Y.Z. Yin#, Z.C. Zhao#, J.B Xu, Z.R. Wang, L. Zhou, Z. Zhou, Y. Yin, D. Huang, G. Zhong, X. Ni, Z.S. Wang, X.B. Cheng, J.Y. Zhu*, Q.D. Ou*, T. Jiang* Selective Excitation of Bloch Modes in Canalized Polaritonic Crystals,Adv. Opt. Mater. (2025).

2. Z. C. Zhao, V. Kravtsov, Z. R. Wang, Z. Zhou, L. Y. Dou, D. Huang, Z. S. Wang, X. B. Cheng*, M. B. Raschke*, T. Jiang*, Applications of ultrafast nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging with tip-based microscopy, eLight 5, 1 (2025).

3. Z. Y. Tan#, J. K. Dong#, Y. Liu, Q. Luo, Z. Y. Li, T. T. Yun*, T. Jiang*, X. B. Cheng, D. Huang*, Nonlinear optics of graphitic carbon allotropes from 0D to 3D, Nanoscale 17,  1171-1212(2025). (#Contributed equally)

4. N. X. Liu, S. A. Zhao, R. K. Song, L. Zhou, B. N. Wang, D. Huang, B. Ma, T. Jiang*, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer based on graphene photodetection, Infrared and Laser Engineering 红外与激光工程 53.11 (2024).

5. Y. Yin, C. G. Liu, S. H. Zhang, L. Zhou, A. H. Liu, C. Y. Wan, H. C. Wang, T. Jiang, D. Huang, Z. S. Wang, X. B. Cheng, Anisotropic Optical Response of Graphene Nanoscrolls, Chinese Journal of Lasers 中国激光 51(18), 1803001-1803001 (2024).

6. W. Luo, R. Song, B. G. Whetten, D. Huang, X. Cheng, A. Belyanin*, T. Jiang*, and M. B. Raschke*, Nonlinear Nano-Imaging of Interlayer Coupling in 2D Graphene-Semiconductor Heterostructures, Small 2307345 (2024).

7. Zeng, X.#, Wan, C.#, Zhao, Z., Huang, D.*, Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Jiang, T.*, Nonlinear optics of two-dimensional heterostructures, Front. Phys. 19(3), 33301 (2024). (#Contributed equally).

8. Zhou, Z.#, Song, R.#, Xu, J.#, Ni, X., Dang, Z., Zhao, Z., Quan, J., Dong, S., Hu, W., Huang, D., Chen, K.*, Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Raschke, M. B.*, Alù, A.*, Jiang, T.*, Gate-Tuning Hybrid Polaritons in Twisted α-MoO3/Graphene Heterostructures, Nano Letters (2023). (#Contributed equally).

9. Chen, Y., Yu, S.*, Jiang, T., Liu, X., Cheng, X., Huang, D.*, Optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy of excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenides, Frontiers of Physics 19 23301 (2024).

10. D. Huang#, Kevin Sampson#, Yue Ni#, Zhida Liu, Danfu Liang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Hebin Li, Eric Martin, Jesper Levinsen, Meera M. Parish, Emanuel Tutuc, Dmitry K. Efimkin, Xiaoqin Li*, Quantum Dynamics of Attractive and Repulsive Polarons in a Doped MoSe2 Monolayer, Physical Review X 13, 011029 (2023).

11. W. Luo, B. G. Whetten, V. Kravtsov, A. Singh, Y. Yang,D. Huang, X. Cheng, T. Jiang*, A. Belyanin*, M. B. Raschke*, Ultrafast Nanoimaging of Electronic Coherence of Monolayer WSe2, Nano Letters 23, 1767-1773 (2023).

12.Di Huang*, Junho Choi, Chih-Kang Shih, Xiaoqin Li*, Excitons in semiconductor moiré superlattices, Nature Nanotechnology17 (3), 227-238 (2022).

13.Di Huang, Tao Jiang, Yangfan Yi, Yuwei Shan, Yingguo Li, Zhihong Zhang, Kaihui Liu, Wei-Tao Liu, Shiwei Wu*, Selective excitation of four-wave mixing by helicity in gated graphene, Optics Letters 47 (2), 234-237 (2022).

14. S. Helmrich, K. Sampson,D. Huang, M. Selig, K. Hao, K. Tran, A. Achstein, C. Young, A. Knorr, E. Malic, U. Woggon, N. Owschimikow*, and X. Li*, Phonon-Assisted Intervalley Scattering Determines Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in MoSe2 Bilayers, Physical Review Letters 127, 157403 (2021).

15. S. Zhang,D. Huang, L. Gu, Y. Wang, and S. Wu, Substrate dopant induced electronic inhomogeneity in epitaxial bilayer graphene, 2D Materials 8, 035001 (2021).

16. J. Cheng,D. Huang, T. Jiang, Y. Shan, Y. Li, S. Wu, and W. T. Liu*, Chiral selection rules for multi-photon processes in two-dimensional honeycomb materials,Optics Letters 44, 2141-2144 (2019).

17. Yu Zhang#,Di Huang#, Yuwei Shan, Tao Jiang, Zhihong Zhang, Kaihui Liu, Lei Shi, Jinluo Cheng, John E Sipe, Wei-Tao Liu*, Shiwei Wu*, Doping-induced second-harmonic generation in centrosymmetric graphene from quadrupole response, Physical Review Letters 122, 047401 (2019).

18.Di Huang#, Tao Jiang#, Yu Zhang, Yuwei Shan, Xiaodong Fan, Zhihong Zhang, Yunyun Dai, Lei Shi, Kaihui Liu, Changgan Zeng, Jian Zi, Wei-Tao Liu*, Shiwei Wu*, Gate switching of ultrafast photoluminescence in graphene, Nano Letters 8, 7985-7990 (2018).

19. T. Jiang#,D. Huang#, J. L. Cheng, X. D. Fan, Z. H. Zhang, Y. W. Shan, Y. F. Yi, Y. Y. Dai, L. Shi, K. H. Liu, C. G. Zeng, J. Zi, J. E. Sipe, Y. R. Shen, W. T. Liu*, S. W. Wu*, Gate-tunable third-order nonlinear optical response of massless Dirac fermions in graphene. Nature Photonics 12, 430-436 (2018).

20. Y.W. Shan, Y.G. Li,D. Huang, Q.J. Tong, W. Yao, W.T. Liu, S.W. Wu*, Stacking symmetry governed second harmonic generation in graphene trilayers, Science Advances 4, eaat0074 (2018).

21. S. Zhang, C. G. Wang, M. Y. Li,D. Huang, L. J. Li, W. Ji*, S. W. Wu*, Defect Structure of Localized Excitons in a WSe2Monolayer. Physical Review Letters 119, 046101 (2017).

22. Y. Wang, S. Zhang,D. Huang, J. X. Cheng, Y. G. Li, S. W. Wu*, Screening effect of graphite and bilayer graphene on excitons in MoSe2 monolayer. 2D Materials 4, 015021(2017)

23. S. Zhang,D. Huang, S. W. Wu*, A cryogen-free low temperature scanning tunneling microscope capable of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy. Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 063701 (2016).

24. T. Jiang, H.R. Liu,D. Huang, S. Zhang, Y.G. Li, X.G. Gong*, Y.R. Shen, W.T. Liu*, S.W. Wu*, Valley and band structure engineering of folded MoS2bilayers. Nature Nanotechnology 9, 825-829 (2014).





















